Kiiza's World

Friday, 22 August 2008

In Search For Answers

A friend of mine was hospitalised recently. She had carried a pregnancy for close to final stage, she is said to have had just one week to delivery and alas, things went wrong. She all of a sudden developed hypertension and lost the child. All ended in that drab gloomy way. I have just received a message from one of my pastors that her kidney has failed to normalise. I think about this and wonder, what really is this? She is faithful, has a loving husband, has tried her best to be the Christian that she is and honestly I feel, she is just what I would expect a successful woman is.

There are questions I keep wondering what God's answers to them would be. When I lost my mother, I wondered what life would be without her. i had m,any options and felt God had deserted me, left me to the dogs and completely given up on me. Thinking about my friend's state, I am wondering, does God let such things happen? Does He simply look on as bad things take place in our lives? Does He even exist to see the pain we go through?

These and many questions must have run through the mind of Job. He wondered probably why all was happening at breath neck speed. He must have felt God had given up on Him and asked Why me? God's most annoying answer to this question can actually turn out to be Why not you? I have heard this a couple of times.

The Bible states in Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to God our Father and those that are revealed belong to us and the generations to come. We shall never get the answer to why bad things happen to good men. we shall never find out why Israel had to suffer for 2oo years in Egypt and God did not lift His finger against Egypt. It is the sad story that we can have if we fail to see that God has a lot He is teaching us through life.

When I think of the goodness of Jesus, I wonder and I am amazed at Job's words at the time of his calamity: I know my Redeemer lives and that in the end He shall establish His rule on the earth. That is a strong statement. When we seek for answers, what does God say back to us? Do we always want to push Him to tell us what should never have been told to us. Even if He did, what would we do about it? Our destiny is shaped by a lot of forces, God does the best part and shapes our lives in accordance to His will.

I think of my friend and will say, that is tragedy. I know the pain of losing someone. However, I know only God can heal a woman that has gone through cesarean to have a still born child. What hurts most is the fact that we look up to these people as a model of marriage and family life. I feel more hurt knowing that many people go through this and are never helped to overcome it. God is our strength. He alone knows what testimony shall come. He alone knows the burden that we hold. He alone can lift it up. He alone knows the end of it all.

When questions come up about your state, think of it as a trying time for purification, a time for the heat yet to come, but also, think carefully through what is happening. There might never be an answer, yet God has not given up on you. He still loves and cares about you.

God richly bless you.


Blogger JAKECH ROBERT said...

I was God I would ask, Who then???

I love this posting. Wow, its wonderfull
Keep it up Bro!!!!!!!!

God Bless.


1 September 2008 at 11:13  

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