Kiiza's World

Friday, 5 October 2007

Our Greatest Fears

So we have failed to move to the world of the unknown. We have refused to believe that life at the other end can actually be a beautiful adventure. we have refused to acknowledge that where we are is not as fulfilling as what we really wanted but still stick to the toughest points of our lives. Life can be that kind of puzzle. It can be a puzzle when we know we want to get beyond here yet life offers more comfort for us that we cannot let go of what we have at the moment.

Once we let this fear for moving to the unknown, we open ourselves to the greatest unfortunate thing that can happen to us. God did not mean for our lives to be a static example of living. He wanted us to adventure into the world of the unknown so we could learn the difference between comfort and a strong budding faith in Him. This is the most beautiful part of being alive. We wake up to each day without knowing what it holds for us. We fail completely to understand that once we let Him take over it, we shall have a smooth sail through, even when we face tough situations. Life is much more than living today and thinking tomorrow will be like today. This is an existentialist view. Life has to believe any new day is an opportunity for us to exercise our faith in our Creator.

Some quick examples. Peter was very sure he could get to Christ till he started looking at the water. Jonah was scared that God would save Nineveh if he went and preached there. He had to take a shorter root till God stopped him and had His way anyway. Moses is a great example of a man who was willing to let God take over yet he worried for God as to hoe He would lead this vast people. His spies saw life across the Jordan as a trying one and so would not be able to fight the natives across. Esther feared for her life before Ahasuerus. Strangely, all these people feared as if the job to be done depended on them.

The fear for the unknown can rule us if we are not careful and can ruin our chances of a better life God has in store for us. It is always good to let fear loose especially when we are sure God has fought for us before. This is why Esther decided to perish saving her people and God worked the miracle. We should emulate this woman and be ready to let our fears move us to a greater faith. If the unknown scares you, think of the times God has worked through for you. Then, move on the water, it doesn't matter how cold, He is there for you. Let tomorrow and the unknown be a stimulating aspect to build your faith in God and daring Him. Afterall, He's promised to be with you.

Hope it helped you.

God richly bless you.


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