Choosing to Love
One of the most important things I learned as I grew up was that as human beings we all have our flaws. That means I cannot expect to have people that are perfect. As humans, I know we are vulnerable to failure, wrong decision making, and all the things that sometimes seem to be the work of our own flesh.
But as I grew up, I decided my eyes need to be closed to the things that will make me feel people are repulsive. Yes, I am aware of the fact that people are human creatures susceptible to failure, but I also know there is a wealth of goodness in the world in which we live. I chose over the years never to look for the ugly in people. I chose to be grateful for every person I have met over the years. I chose that my differences with people might cause disagreement but will not make me, in any way hate them. In essence, I chose to love.
While we are aware that sometimes we will be betrayed, it is always important that we do not get into people's lives to look for the flaw that will kill the friendship or relationship. Once we do that, we actually will get all those bad stories about them. BUT, when we focus on the good, and appreciate that good, we realise we have a wealth of friends that we could never have gotten anywhere. When we choose to look for the good in people, the ugly has a way of disappearing for then we focus on what is important, and discard what is totally useless.
Are you the kind of person that looks for what to criticise? Maybe it is time you rethought your pattern of relationship! People are good till they prove otherwise, yet even when they do, they still are good. We make the choice to love them, keep loving them or hate them and keep them totally out of our lives.
I choose Love.
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