Kiiza's World

Saturday, 29 September 2007

Love Poetry


When my smartness you see

Laugh at me not

`Coz inside it

Lies the true me

That you have not conceived.

When my smile you see

It you should appreciate

`Coz soon it will be gone

And all you will see

Will be a look of hate.

When my touch you feel

Let it get so real

Build in it trust

For in just a while

Its presence you will loathe.

When these words you read

Laugh while you can

`Coz when the origin you trace

Realise you will

I was only proving a point.

(Tibasiima Isaac)






Shattered into many

Changed into parts

No longer whole

The bits

Only create pain.




But away,

Gloom sets in

Creating tyranny

No longer peace

The gray

Brings back fear.


Utterly shattered


My heart writhes

Only in a thing-


And there is none

to mend it-

The breakage.

(Tibasiima Isaac)


Love is entrenched in the heart

Not just the lips that say it out

It is not just an emotional feeling

That bursts out like flames

It is a real building

An enterprise

With a foundation set

And a goal to be achieved:

To love and be loved.

Love goes the extra mile

To do what is least expected

Only to bring out a smile

On those that are broken.

It is not made in the mind

But comes from deeper ends

To make a life lively affair

And to live positively affirmative

That is why

Love lives forever.

(Tibasiima Isaac)


That smile

Kept for a while

Let him out

Onto the street.

That walk

Led the talk

Of the day

‘What a way!’

And with light

He caught sight

Not of a catch

But of the beauty.

The words

Said with touch

Made the search

Elegant and stronger.

Only then,

It was horrible!

She made nothing

Of the verbatim.

‘My God!’

She sighed,

And walked away

Leaving him


(Tibasiima Isaac)


The pulse beats

With a life springing

The purse blows

Of course for attention

Each wants a show

Yet neither is comparable to the other.

The pulse and purse

Each proving love

Yet neither but one

Has the true perfect love.

Life springs from the pulse

True love from therein;

The purse only possessiveness

Not love

But fear and jealousy.

Love is life

Life springs from the pulse.

(Tibasiima Isaac)


There is a poem I wrote for you

One that ain't something so new

It is about the love I have

That you alone back gave

And made me a person true

That not so many but few

Can really appreciate the clue:

You are a friend to me

And my love for you

Is something true indeed.

That, my friend, I wrote for thee

For you have been a brother to me.

(Tibasiima Isaac.)


You've loved me

Given yourself for my sake

And known me better.

You've loved me enough

Sacrifised yourself

And been the best friend. For all you've done

I am grateful

I cannot give back like you gave

But I promise

I will love you back

Give my life back to you

And serve you always

For even before time

You loved me.

It is a pledge I make

To love you

To serve you

And that is

A promise.

(Tibasiima Isaac)


Beyond all

Stands a virtue

Heeding the call

Not for attention

But to live

A full life alive.

So high, so true

Nothing surpasses it

For with it

All the others come,

Love waits and proves itself

That it exists.

So, grow in it

Nurture it purely

Live it out

For soon you'll know

That it was not in vain

For others you will love

When them you love.
(Tibasiima Isaac)


My dear

If ever we have a life to share

I pray you

That when we meet

You are of the right mint.

That together we shall be ready

To live a life steady

And look not back

To where we're from

But look forward.

Let's be ready

To stay together.

Though we fail along

Let's not make it a song

Then we'll know

Ours is a true love

That forgives

And forever lives.

(Tibasiima Isaac)


Come here dear

I will tell you what love is.

It can be a strong disease

That eats men up

Dries their cup

Only to let them fall into it deep.

It is that monster

That eats up the truster

And makes food of him

That he may not near it swim,

Only to tell him

That it, too, trusted him.

Love is the wind

That carries men up into the clouds

Holding them in the air,

Letting them down with a fall not fair but

Enough to give pain

To remind them it is not easy to freely gain.

Love is that beautiful flower

That blossoms with the blue sky

And heightens beauty with the sun

Yet, as dusk approaches

She seeks to whither and die.

Tomorrow, she will rise again and fly high.

So, my dear, that is love

A thing that can move

Many that to it succumb;

Yet how many realise

That as a rose has thorns

So is love with never a path smooth.

(Tibasiima Isaac)


More of what is done

Is soon a thing gone

To the deeper ends

Where hearts are rend

And blood gushes

With a mighty rush

Of pain.

Love is such an action

One that is soon forgotten

Like yesterday’s used paper

That cannot have any weight

It soon breaks

The men that served it

To prove to them

It is a pain.

So what’s done

Loving one other person

To the deeper ends

Forgetting it can fall away

To break hearts

And force blood rushing

In a mighty stream

Only to say

“Goodbye, I am long dead and cold.”

(Tibasiima Isaac)


What would I not do for love?

Would I crawl

Like the dragging snail;

Would I climb mountains

So that that love I may maintain;

Would I sing you a song

So it can go on for long;

What would I not do for love?

Would I breathe deep

The breath that’s life’s drip

Would I tell a story

So you won’t worry;

Would I fall from above

So you’ll know it’s you I love?

What would I not do for love?

I will love and wait

Wait to see your gait

A gait to lead me on.

That where the feet lead

I will plant a seed

To prove you are the one

That my heart once loved

And forever will love.

(Tibasiima Isaac)

Monday, 24 September 2007

The Reason For Being Here

When people tell us that we are existential beings, it is an easy thing to take as true. It really means that by chance we came onto this earth and that there is no way in which a power beyond can determine the life that we lead. Everything on earth comes as chance and nothing at all can be attributed to a supernatural being. There is always reason to believe this trash especially when we see ourselves falling from the paths we have always seen as bringing success to us. Nothing in life brings joy as the fact that we've trodden paths that were straightened for us long before we took the paths. Life can be straight till calamity strikes and if we are not careful, we lose all that we have achieved over a long period of time. If this is what life means, then we are on a path that is going to bring us nervous breakdowns every time we fail to achieve our best. If all it takes is chance to be rich, popular, celebrities, educated and all the good things in life, we've failed the test and life has proven a worthless venture.
Another school of thought believes that we are here on earth to enjoy all the good things that come with it. This is too true if we only believe that life will bring great days of happiness and nothing at all that will ail us. The problem with this theory is the fact that life is not a straight path that will give some goodness and others nightmares. Good things exist, yes, but life is a mixture of so many things that we lose count of what was good and what was bad. We can always expect to be happy, but must also acknowledge the fact that happiness starts with us and not the things or the people around us.
I have lived a life that many can call fulfilling. I have achieved a lot in my career and seen great things happen both for me and the people that are a big part of my world. I have known what it means to appreciate terrible times because they have been able to strengthen me. I have had my bank account full and empty. The latter times have never been impressing, but the truth is that I cannot always think that it will all be good for me. I have seen deaths and seen people that come back from long illnesses. I have seen happy people around me and seen those long sad faces that beckon me to help them out. I have felt like crying before and actually moved to that state. However, I have also been able to live happily in the life terms that God has given me.
All this, however, makes no meaning for me if I completely fail to understand the reason as to why I am here. The people without a vision perish. A vision means that I am willing to set aside something that will be a guiding principle in my life. It is a principle that will make me move on even when life is not worth living any more. God created man with a vision at hand. He wanted him not only to subdue the earth and fill it, but also to worship Him. This was the cardinal reason for our creation. God wanted people to live on earth so He could sit up on His throne with the knowledge that He had done His work, was impressed with it and was not going to create anythining more. With sin came another responsibility for us. It is not just about praising God and telling Him how much we love Him. it is about tellinkg others what we know about Him. This is even a stronger reason for our existence. We cannot sit back and look at people perishing while we sit comfortably waiting for our Maker to take us home.
Jesus did not come to teach those that knew the law. They certainly would not have understood Him. He came to seek that which was lost. He came to proclaim the message of God's love to the broken hearted. He came to preach the Good News to the poor and to set the captives free. Above all, He came to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour. His life was short yet in the 33 years, He'd accomplished what man has never, even in 1000 years. Christ showed the depth of God's love. He opened the way back to God and proved that we can have a relationship with Him once again. However, He told us to tell somebody about Him, to share that love we've experienced and to be honest about what we believe. Christianity is not a passively existing thing, it is a world ofaction. It acts on love and gives reason for our existence. It gives a new dimension for life and opens opportunities for us to be children of God and to let others into His kingdom.
The next time somebody tells you that you came from a monkey, tell them to think again. If computers are made by people, there must certainly be a Maker for a humn being. We are here to show God's splendour and beauty. However, we are also here to let others know about Him and to see to it satan does not take people with him. God loves us and has freely given us Himself through Jesus. Let's give back by telling people about Him and letting Him work through us. That is the reason for which we exist and it is the reason for which we live. Never lose focus of what He wants to make you. Keep the fire burning in you, but tell someone about Him too. It makes life more meaningful.