Kiiza's World

Friday, 1 February 2008

14 Years of 'Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames' and still the same

It took me 14 years to get back to KPC central's auditorium to watch the much acclaimed Christian drama 'Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames'. It's amazing how as a 12 year old kid, I could be fascinated by the sarcastic laughter of the devil (then I did not know about sarcasm). It built in me a fear that pushed me to the front. 14 years ago, I decided to let Christ be a great part of me and I have not gone down the road on the other side but kept the focus on a God that loves me even when I am always getting on His nerves.

This year's drama presentation was beautiful. What made it even better is that I am a better drama critic and I know what it takes to have a beautiful piece of drama. The sound effects were just great. The actors had their time and I think it all goes back to God. I heard somebody today saying one of the angels collapsed on Tuesday 29 th Feb 2008. I wasn't in but know what the devil can be up to putting all that shows his nature to the pits.

What I loved most about the production was its relevance. The fact that it dealt not just about heaven and hell gave it more meaning as drama. I have always believed that drama that has nothing to teach should never be acted. I know many will see Plato, Horace and Aristotle in this, but that is what I truly believe. We live in a world with its own pleasures and as Christians, sometimes we've assumed we are out of this world. That does not make the differennce. We ought to go out of our way and let people know we are very much aware of what's happening in their part of the world.

'Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames' deals with a series of Christian and non Christian walks of life. Different scenes are put n stage. On the whole, most are authentic. What's more openly true is the fact that nobody knows when time will be up for them. That's the most amazing and yet most scary truth that faces us each day. As the people reach heaven, they are awed by the beauty and the silver and gold plates there. However, each dreads the results of a book search which will determine their destiny. Little known to those that are not saved, this is a decision supposed to be made on earth. The play makes us face this reality 'The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life'. We ought to be much aware of this.

The other thing the play taught me was to do with the issue of my salvation. As we grow in the faith we getused to God. We think we can be like Him and foprget He's God and not the people that we are. It's so amazing how much we get so familiar that we fail to understand we are dealing with a Supernatural Being. I have been moved to get back to the drawing board many times and this was one of those times I was shocked to reality. I realize everyday my faith is under fire and many are demanding for my soul. My decision will detrmine whether I stay on board or I fall of the hook.

Christianity is still a personal opinion. We all play our part and somehow God brings us to the final destination. We shall meet people calling themselves Christians yet they do not show anythin to profess Godliness and Christianity. We'll meet people that will mock us, calling themselves achievers because they drink a lot of alcohol or have reached the very high top of their careers while we Christians because of our honest have stayed at the very bottom. we shall meet people that will call us fools for being virgins till we get married, just to have the stability and faithfulness in marriage just because they feel it is okay to fornicate and aleep around before we marry. We shall be called slow guys because we do not want to abuse the bodies of sisters just because they are determined to have sex at whatever cost (This does include our brothers who think Church girls are fools for sticking to the Abstinence Crusade). It hurts but today in the world Gay and Bisexual and Transexual lifestyles are common and because we stick to monogamy and do not believe in such things as safe sex we shall be called backward.

Let's be what people want us to be. We ought to know God id the final judge. We ought never to cease telling the truth and letting others know about God. At least the watchman job will be done and God will not demand any blood from us (Remember Lady Macbeth? We need not be like her). We ought to stay firm in the faith knowing that the days are dangerous. Watching a play that I last saw 14 years ago showed me how stable God's message is to humanity: I still love you no matter what, but I will not force you. I will let you come to me at your will.' We must not wait like it was in Noah's days to look at what is to come. we must be prepared for the outcome. Christianity is no hoax. It's an experience that moves us to another level and for me, it has been the best I have had despite the hiccups.

To all those not born again, God still loves you and waits for you as He knocks to open the door. That's daring love, but He always has to nag just in case you've not heard the knock. He still holds His hand out and waits for your response. It's in just a simple prayer to let Him in your life:
Lord Jesus
I Know I am a sinner
I believe You died on the cross for me
I need to let You into my heart
And now, I ask You to come in and change me
Help me to let others know about You
And use me for the glorification of your kingdom
In Jesus' name

That's a simple prayer yet when said from the heart, it means a lot and is a destiny changing experience. As Christains we need to dedicate ourselves to God always and know what He is letting us to do and what He hates. Give Him a chance if you haven't and keep the good fight if you have.

Rememebr, death is a universal experience and nobody, not even one soul knows when we move on to the next life. It comes like a thief in the nght and even when prepared, we can lose it all. Give God a chance to work. It's not yet late yet it can actually be late.

God richly and abundantly bless you.