Over the last few years in Uganda, the Pentecostal movement has rivetted hearts and people have flowed down the altar like never before. There have been miracles and more miracles and people have certainly raised their hands to the heavens to praise the one and only maker of all the miracles that come pouring down from heaven. When I got saved, I knew God to be a miracle work. I probably had read it and felt 'Yeah, He will do one just to prove He's there'. Little did I know that He had just begun a good work, one that I would forever appreciate and be grateful for since He knew He had begun a good work in me. Then, all seemed to break loose. The devil has his way of telling us we've been duped. All of a sudden everyone seems to be up against you and you seem to have no answer.
Years down the road, an attack on what I have believed in has made me question the idea of just one Christianity existing. In Uganda today, Christians are looking for the money, looking for Visas to go abroad, looking for the quickest riches life can offer. It is a sad tale in the Pentecostal Churches of people that come not because they want an experience with God but because they want to bribe God and have Him do something in their lives. Because we have become a miracle seeking people, there have come up men who can do anything to get their clean money and give us a ride for our faith. Yes, in Uganda it is said that the best way to get rich, one has to start a Church and he'll be driving the best vehicle, have the most powerful church and house and have a multitude of followers that bow down to them as they pass. One wonders is it the Holy Spirit working or is it the psychological fear that forces people to fall down.
I have learnt over the years to learn to listen people look down upon Christianity, especially the Pentecostal experience. Many a time, I have been in class, and this is recent, and talked to my students about getting saved and the CAtholics, being in a Catholic school, have told me to my face that I just do not understand their beliefs. That's true, I just don't understand them. That however doesn't mean I cannot tell them about what I believe. I was recently teaching about Puritanism in Miller's The Crucible and got shocked at how many saw the witch hunting in it related to the present pentecostal experience in Uganda. It hurts, and I just cannot hide the fact that it brushes wrongly with me.
Christians have turned into thieves. Pastors have forgotten their divine duty of shepherding people. More and more are being driven to the pits just because someone made them empty promises. People no longer see the ratonale of going to church, let alone getting saved. There is more preaing about Holy Ghost fire and miracles and little if any on Christain livinf and the walk and life of Jesus. No one is willing to offend sinners because we know this will hurt them and annoy them. It's so much that now they know we need the miracles and will go any far to get our money and get the fake miracles. They are willing to sell holy water, olive oil and what's even funny 'Prayers' all in the name of 'God will perform the greatest miracle in your life'. I have heard of one talk about God blessing tithe that has been borrowed. Christianity has gone haywire because now we don't know where we belong and where we are going. It hurts big time.
I think about all this and come to one conclusion. No church seems to be telling people the need for reading the Bible, for talking to God in prayer, for living a holy life, for fellowship with fellow born again believers. In all, because we have abandoned the basics, the devil is using the very men we believed in to destroy us. We failed to believe in God but believed in the men that prayed for us. God is still faithful to His word, but because we are scared of 'touching the anoited of God', we are failing our own selves and the plan God has for us. We have killed the very basic of what we should be and looked for the things God would only give us if we followed Him rightfully.
Christianity has always been called hard. It is when we fail to live with the basics. There is a completion of the acronymn of Bible that amazes me 'Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.' God has given us all of this for our lives to be better. We cannot waste a lot of time looking for things that do no build us up. As long as Christianity fails to accept the fact that God lifts us one point at a time, we are going to chase after the wind. The Bible says 'Seek ye first the Kingdom og God and all these things will be added to you'. Stangely, we want the things to be added when we've not sought. This is why we are willing to move even where the devil has not dared tread. Life in Christianity is a lifestyle. God wants us to be open with Hi, to tell Him what we want, but also to let Him have His way in all that He does. We cannot succeed by having things done on our own and think that we shall move a finger of His. He know His plans and knows beter how to do His things.
In all that we do, let's have God at the fore of our lives. Let's stick to the beginning covenant between us and God. Let's recommit what we had to Him. In Revelation, the letter to the Ephesians does it better. God tells John to write to Ephesus asking the Ephesians to 'return to their first love'. Let's not be like Jonah who felt the word of God was junk and so decided to have his way. Let's look to Paul, who after realising hid foolishness, turned back his lfe and let God take over. Christianity is dying because we have forgotten the basics. I have no problem saying that because it is the truth. Until we wake up to face up to he truth, nothing is going to be forthcoming in our walk with God.
As we walk the faith, we must remember to have God taking His plan as preffered. We have failed the test and need, every Christian , to get back on our knees and say a simple prayer, 'Lord have your way, Show me your way that I may walk with you'. That's a song that touched my life when all seemed to be rough around me. For the finish, Cecen Winans on her new album 'Thy Kingdom Come' has something great she ends her letter with. I wish to quote those very words 'Be encouraged my brothers and sisters and remember, the Kingdom suffereth violence and the violent take it by force (Matt.:11:12), so let’s proclaim together Thy Kingdom Come and Thy Will Be Done'
Gd richly bless you.